
Hello! This is a generic about me section that every website has to have
My internet name is cathacker (it came about during the time i was listening to more lemon demon than any human should a few years back), or MetereX on some old accounts (it completely randomly came to my head and I thought it was cool, only over time I learned just how many things have names similar or identical to it - I mean there's a measuring tape company with that name for crying out loud) or if you go really far back, boumil (derived from bone meal, it's a name I made up for minecraft... randomly on the spot)
My real name's Wendy and I go by she/her. I am an 18 year old trans girl from Czechia. (If you are someone who I know in real life who just happened to stumble upon this site somehow, pretend you did not see that part, actually leave altogether please)
It is very difficult to think of things to put here, since I am the kind of person to answer with "existing" as an answer to being asked about what my favorite passtime is. Not because I wouldn't do anything in my free time, but because I am too scared to answer. I also don't want to edit this page every time I get obsessed with a new thing and then I proceed to not care about anything other than that thing. Sometimes it's a whole scientific field, sometimes it's a band, my own mind is an enigma to me. I did not say much in this supposive about me section, did I? Sorry :3

Obligatory Blinkie Spam (epic)


The character of Alexejo, who has gradually become less and less of their own character and more so just a persona I use for myself on the internet. They come from a failed project that was spiritually reincarnated as Lucid Sunshine


Do you want to contact me specifically regarding the site? You can do so at cathacker.neocities@gmail.com

you can also find me on these sites :